Assured Cyber Security for Client Data

We are very proud to announce that Corroconsult UK Limited have achieved re-certification for Cyber Essentials. Certification confirms that protocols set by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) in the UK are in place.

Post-pandemic the landscape of the industry has changed, seeing increased working from home / working remotely - this certification provides assurance to our clients that our cyber security protocols will continue to protect against the ever evolving, sophisticated and major cyber-attacks regardless of where or how we operate.

We would like to express our thanks to Molly Nock and John Tuckey for their efforts in particular towards ensuring that we continue to provide our clients with the assurances they require with respect to cyber security.

Moving up to ISO 45001:2018

Since its inception Corroconsult has strived to be at the very forefront of the industry in attaining accreditation against internationally recognised standards pertaining to its Quality Assurance / Quality Control, Environmental, Health & Safety Management systems.

The Company has held its accreditation to ISO 9001 for its Quality Management system since January 2000.

In June 2005 the Company achieved accreditation to ISO 14001 for its Environmental Management system, being one of the first cathodic protection companies worldwide to hold this certification. The award led to the Business section of the local newspaper (Shropshire Star) running an article on the Company’s achievement.

February 2013 saw the Company achieve accreditation to OHSAS 18001 for its Health & Safety Management system, completing an overall Integrated Management System (IMS) approach to all three standards.

As well as the annual external audits to our IMS system for continued accreditation to the latest standards, since August 2017 the IMS has also been audited for both in-house and on-site application by Achilles UVDB (Utilities Vendor Database) personnel, achieving a 100% pass mark in all aspects in the past three years as part of the B1 category audit.

In March 2018 the new ISO 45001 standard was published representing a gradual phase-out of the existing OHSAS 18001 standard where companies’ certification was due to expire.

Corroconsult are delighted to have been awarded accreditation to this latest standard following the latest external audit of our IMS on 14 April 2021.

It is the diligence of all our office and site personnel continuing to work within, and provide feedback to improvement on, our IMS that ensures our continued accreditation.

Corroconsult are now seeking to ensure that we are one of the first cathodic protection companies to achieve the Cyber Essentials certification provided by the National Cyber Security Centre (UK) to deliver assurance to all clients with respect to their data.

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ISO & OHSAS Accreditation Renewed


Corroconsult are proud to announce the renewal of their ISO and OHSAS certification following today's audit.

Following on from last years successful audit to the latest ISO standards for Quality and Environmental management systems, Corroconsult remain one of the few corrosion companies to have already been recognised with this accreditation.

Full versions of our current certificates can be found using the links below;

New ISO Accrediation Achieved


As with the original ISO 9001 and 14001 Standards, Corroconsult have become among the first corrosion control companies to achieve the new ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Standards for our Quality and Environmental Management Systems.

We also remain accredited to OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard for our Health & Safety Management System.


For copies of the latest certificates (following our most recent audit in February 2018) please click the following links;